Event: Kuwait Petroleum Company's Exhibition (February 18th, 2013)
Last February I had an important event. I ought to publish this post way earlier but I had a lot going on. The good thing is that I got rid of 90% of the spam comments and will continue to do so until I get them all out of the way. The other thing I am working on right now is the layout. I changed few things here and there but still my blog is incomplete.
Preparing for Kuwait Petroleum Company's Exhibition took place one month prior to the opening day. I wrote a list of the items I wanted to include at my table which ended up being altered as usual. At first I had in mind including a keychain, gift bag, pocket-size calendar, mug, pamphlet, and business card. I replaced the keychain with a pen, and the pocket-size calendar with a pocket-size small notebook and calendar.
Even though it was only two days but I had to wake up really early, arrive before time, and set up my table. It was exciting and fun experience that I hope to repeat it again. It taught me a lot about how the exhibitions are prepared, what items should be included in one's table, and how to organize the table. More importantly, it lets you meet different people with different background about any project. They like to see something new to their eyes. Therefore, they seek anyone being driven by curiosity to know more about what others are presenting to them.
In conclusion, I was really glad to be part of this Exhibition and would like to participate in future exhibitions as well. Even if it's tiring to have everything set up and make sure to organize all the details but it'll be worth it in the end.